Зал торговли. Список товаров с вендоров.

Активные вендоры, с которых вы сможете в игре купить нужные вам вещи:

Поиск товара:

Список вендоров -> Вендор: Ava

Вендор: Ava

Название товара Кол-во товара Цена в Gold Piece
1fire field scroll 990029
2lightning scroll 1000030
3teleport scroll 1000031
4recall scroll 970832
5paralyze scroll 941033
6curse scroll 1000036
7bless scroll 996036
8dispel scroll 1000036
9magic reflection scroll 1000036
10paralyze field scroll 972537
11wall of stone scroll 997038
12dispel field scroll 1000040
13mass dispel scroll 1000048
14Total Mana Refresh potion 300054
15energy field scroll 1000055
16chain lightning scroll 997056
17flamestrike scroll 1000056
18summon air elemental scroll 813264
19greater heal scroll 989665
20Greater Heal potion 500088
21Antidotum potion 3000195
22Stoneskin potion 3000195
23Invisibility potion 3000195
24Total Heal potion 3000540
25Smoked beef 2662800
26Amulet of 10 Magic Resistance 110000
27Amulet of 10 Magic Resistance 110000
28Amulet of 10 Magic Resistance 110000
29SOS Bottle LVL1 614999
30Elven Cloak 115000
31Mana Bow 117000
32Mana Bow 117000
33Mana Bow 117000
34Amulet of 15 Magic Resistance 120000
35cursed monster summon scrolls 5024500
36SOS Bottle LVL2 924999
37Ring +4 of Poisoning (12/12) 135000
38Ring +4 of Poisoning (12/12) 135000
39Ring +4 of Poisoning (12/12) 135000
40Cutlass of Power 135000
41Shoes of Great Victory 149999
42Shoes of Great Victory 149999
43Crystall Plate Helm crafted by Christopher Robin 150000
44Crystall Plate Helm crafted by Christopher Robin 150000
45Crystall Plate Helm crafted by Christopher Robin 150000
46Crystall Heater Shield crafted by Christopher Robin 169000
47Crystall Heater Shield crafted by Christopher Robin 169000
48Crystall Mace crafted by Christopher Robin 170000
49Crystall Mace crafted by Christopher Robin 170000
50Crystall Kryss 180000
51Crystall Kryss crafted by Christopher Robin 180000
52Ring +5 of Fishing (12/12) 190000
53Ring +5 of Alchemy (12/12) 1105000
54Crystall Platemail crafted by Christopher Robin 1119000
55Ring +5 of Cooking (12/12) 1140000
56Helm of Brilliance 1150000
57Earring of Immortality 1160000
58Earring of Immortality 1160000
59Earring of Immortality 1160000
60Earring of Immortality 1160000
61Earring of Immortality 1160000
62Earring of Immortality 1160000
63Earring of Immortality 1160000
64Earring of Immortality 1160000
65Earring of Immortality 1160000
66Earring of Immortality 1160000
67Earring of Immortality 1160000
68Earring of Immortality 1160000
69Earring of Immortality 1160000
70Earring of Immortality 1160000
71Earring of Immortality 1160000
72Earring of Immortality 1160000
73Earring of Immortality 1160000
74Ring +5 of Bowcraft (11/12) 1200000
75Ring +7,5 of Carpentry (12/12) 1250000
76Ribbon of Saint George 1250000
77+15 Mage Boots 1250000
7850 Forgotten Coint 1275000
7950 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8050 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8150 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8250 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8350 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8450 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8550 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8650 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8750 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8850 Forgotten Coint 1275000
8950 Forgotten Coint 1275000
9050 Forgotten Coint 1275000
9150 Forgotten Coint 1275000
9250 Forgotten Coint 1275000
9350 Forgotten Coint 1275000
9450 Forgotten Coint 1275000
9550 Forgotten Coint 1275000
96Gloves of Healing (50 charges) 1285000
97Ring +7,5 of Taming (7/12) 1300000
98Crystall pickaxe 1300000
99Gloves of Healing (58 charges) 1320000
100Ring +10 of Fencing (8/12) 1340000
101Ring +7,5 of Archery (10/12) 1450000
102Ring +10 of Macefighting (8/12) 1480000
103Ring +10 of Carpentry (12/12) 1480000
10423 Feb 2020 1500000
10523 Feb 2020 1500000
10623 Feb 2020 1500000
107Ring +10 of Poisoning (10/12) 1500000
108Ring +10 of Magic Resistance (12/12) 1650000
109Light Wood Kite Shield crafted by Man 1700000
110Light Wood Kite Shield crafted by Illusory 1700000
111Ring +10 of Tailoring (11/12) 1800000
112Ring +10 of Lumberjacking (5/12) 1800000
113Ring +10 of Blacksmithing (7/12) 1800000
114Magic Energy Bracelet crafted by Bce 6ydeT Xopowo 11850000
115Magic Staff of Tamer crafted by LEXTOR 18500000
116Magic Apron of Carpenter crafted by DiEMaN 110000000
117Magic Hammer of Blacksmith crafted by Stilazz 111000000
118Magic Sleeves of Tailor crafted by HellBlaze 111000000

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